Mom's Shop and Dad's Job
Dear Journal
I like working at Mom's shop because we have so many books to look through and read when I'm bored and my buddies aren't on.
She runs a book store and has local 'bad apple' teens help her as one of the rehab programs for them. They usually turn out well and we don't lose any books because they're books.
Today, though, a man with a badge came in, asking Mom what she knew about the murders. Mom did know the guy, but not well. On Halloween, his place was definitely the house to hit for big bars, maybe a five dollar bill if you really impressed him.
The guy asking questions though, he looked like he was a Fed. Now I'm more curious and worried, but Dad told me that we weren't in trouble, they usually just ask questions and leave. Just procedure.
Speaking of Dad, he has a job as a mechanic. The garage he works at is on the other side of town, though, so he has to get up real early in the morning and doesn't get home til around 8 at night. Sucks but it helps with bills.
Anyway, I'm heading to the park.
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