Dawn of Chaos


I’m going to just…stop doing the dear journal thing.

Yesterday, my mirror grew some hands and tried to reach out to grab me.  Dad heard me scream and took my prop cane to break the hands, causing my mirror to scream before breaking.  Glass shot everywhere, but Dad and I only got small cuts. 

Everyone in town tossed out their mirrors an hour after that.  Hand mirrors, full length mirrors, some accent mirrors.  Most were broken so I guess I wasn’t the only one with the hands sticking out.

However…however that’s not the worst part.  Worst part is that…that…my parents vanished!  They’re just gone!  Mom was making sure the scratch on my face was okay while Dad talked about how everyone was tossing their mirrors out when they just blinked out!  No Thanos Snap dust, no poof of smoke, nothing!  Just gone! 

Everyone still around’s going nuts.  Some people are accusing ex’s of kidnapping their kids, others trying to find missing loved ones.  One of my neighbors was trying to keep the people from panicking but then he had to bail when people started getting out their guns. 

When a mob went through, he waited until they left to see if anyone else was in the neighborhood.  When he knocked on my door, I opened and told him my parents were missing.  He told me to hunker down and stay, he’d bring his stuff over and hopefully other people not losing their minds. 

I honestly asked him why my house. 

Turns out, my house was the biggest on the street, could hold a few people.  I didn’t know if it was a good idea, but Al, the neighbor guy, he suggested we all hole up in one spot so we could have an edge against that crazy mob if they started causing trouble again.  So now my house has me, Al, Mr. and Mrs. Hepburns, also known as the Neighborhood Grandparents, Miss Alicia Mayes, and someone named Hal.  Apparently before this Rapture thing happened, he was just passing through and the bus driver vanished while driving.

We’re all using Mom’s old oil lamps and kerosene lanterns for light after dark.  Windows have been sufficiently darkened so no one could see unless we knew they weren’t nuts.

I’m…gonna stop now.  Laters.


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